Published by Russia’s Ministry of Energy, Ugol’ (Russian Coal Journal) is a monthly journal, that deals with scientific, technical, industrial and economic topics. Journal established in 1925. Ugol’ is the leading journal of Russia’s Coal Mining Industry. The main subscribers are Russia’s coal mining enterprises (coal companies, underground and surface mines, machine manufacturers, research establishments and others). Apart from Russia the journal is also distributed to foreign subscribers in 15 countries and the CIS. Ugol’ (Russian Coal Journal) publishes industrial and social issues of coal mining companies. Furthermore, it provides economic information, statistical data, outlooks, regional reports, news about progress in mining technologies and equipment, underground and surface mining, coal processing and utilization, articles on environmental issues, miners’ safety and health. Also included are experiences in other countries, short news items, mining exhibition and congress reports, official documents, notes on history of mining.
Volume – 80-88 pages and cover, size A4, art paper. Circulation – 6300 copies.
Russian Federation
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