Бизнес-медиа «Дальний Восток»

Наша компания выпускает уникальные информационные продукты для бизнеса. Специализированный портал для недропользователей — http://nedradv.ru. Здесь ежедневно обновляется новостная лента, публикуются мнения и комментарии профессионалов. Доступна актуальная и максимально полная информация о более чем 4 500 месторождениях полезных ископаемых. Постоянно отслеживается и обновляется информация о прошедших, текущих и предстоящих аукционах. Отраслевые справочники для недропользователей: «Недра. Твёрдые полезные ископаемые», «Недра. Нефть. Газ. Уголь», «Недра. Уголь Дальнего Востока», «Недра. Золото», — в них собрана только проверенная информация обо всех участниках рынка. В итоге недропользователи и другие специалисты имеют возможность получать издание с самым полным и точным набором профильных данных. Бизнес-газета «Наш регион — Дальний Восток» — http://www.biznes-gazeta.ru — площадка для прямого обсуждения проблем, споров, предложений. Ведущие игроки рынка, компетентные эксперты, опытные профессионалы, руководители отраслевых предприятий и представители власти имеют возможность высказать своё мнение по актуальным проблемам экономики и бизнеса.

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Gornyi Zhurnal

«GORNYI ZHURNAL» MINING JOURNAL- the oldest Russian monthly scientific, technical and industrial journal about all the problems of mining and extraction of minerals. The experience of mining of ores, stones, building materials. The most advanced ideas in the domain of mining, scientific development, new designs of mining machines. Published since 1825. Circulaation — 3000 copies. The journal «Gornyi Zhurnal» was included into the international bibliographic and abstract database Scopus, which is an instrument for tracking of scientific articles' citedness. Tel./Fax: (499) 230-27-48, (499) 230-27-18 E-mail: gornjournal@mail.ru www.rudmet.ru

Золото и технологии

Информационно-аналитический журнал «Золото и технологии», официальный печатный орган Союза золотопромышленников. Издание рассылается по всем золотодобывающим предприятиям России, аффинажным заводам, научным и исследовательским лабораториям и организациям. Кроме того, журнал получают руководители региональных департаментов недропользования, а также российские и зарубежные производители и поставщики техники, оборудования и технологий для золотодобывающей отрасли. География распространения охватывает 25 субъектов Российской Федерации. Издание специализируется на темах о добыче золота, технологических особенностях процесса золотодобычи, состоянии дел в отрасли, законодательной базе, геологии, разведке и т.д. Периодичность выхода – 4 номера в год, объем номера – от 100 страниц, тираж – 950 экз.

Energy of Modernization

Energy of Modernization (Emnews.ru) - web-portal about development and modernization of the Russian economy, energetic, metallurgy, mining and innovations.

Каталог Минералов

Наш сайт это научно популярный журнал: основная часть – виртуальная коллекция минералов и драгоценных камней. На сайте вы найдете фотографии, описания и тематические статьи по минералогии и истории камня. Так же на сайте ежедневно обновляемая новостная лента о геологии, минералогии, горном деле. Публикуются анонсы интересных мероприятий и событий. https://vk.com/catalogmineralov

Gornaya Kniga

«GORNAYA KNIGA» since 1992 has published more than 3500 books on mining, geology, oil and gas, construction technologies, mechanical engineering, economics, ecology, mining law, physics, and mathematics. The publishing house’s manuals, handbooks and monographies are spread throughout libraries and universities of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Ukraine, Mongolia, and others. The MINING INFORMATIONAL AND ANALYTICAL BULLETIN (SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL JOURNAL), GIAB – the leading mining magazine that comprises scientific articles on all the technical disciplines connected with mineral exploration and extraction, including oil and gas, building and exploitation of mines and quarries, pipelines, and refiners – is printed on a monthly basis. The magazine is on the High Attestation Commission’s (VAK) list. The Russian Index of Academic Citing (RINZ) also indexes it. GIAB gives a very deep insight on the industry’s condition in general and provides information about innovations in the fields of manufacturing organization, sound technologies, and up-to-date equipment.


LAWTEK Group (PravoTEK Group) - a major company providing legal information services for the oil and gas, mining and energy sectors and focuses on the following activities: Digests and Magazines media.lawtek.ru Informational and analytical website www.lawtek.ru Seminars and trainings school.lawtek.ru Professional conferences conference.lawtek.ru Dispute resolution in Russian/CIS Energy Sector http://arbitration.energy

Metals Focus

Metals Focus is a London based independent precious metals consultancy. The company was set up in early 2013. It is privately owned and its shareholders do not engage in any trading or other direct activity in precious metals, guaranteeing a truly independent and impartial approach to research. We are specialists committed to the precious metals industry and do not cover any other commodities or asset classes. The Metals Focus team has a large range of contacts across the world and we regularly present at international conferences and seminars on precious metals. We are also frequently quoted in the media for our views on the precious metals markets. The quality of Metals Focus’ work is underpinned by a combination of top-quality desk-based research, coupled with an extensive program of travel to generate ’bottom up’ research for our forecasting reports and consultancy services. Our analysts regularly travel to the major markets speaking to contacts from across the value chain from producers to end-users, to obtain first hand and unique information for our reports.

Mining Journal

The industry's leading source  of intelligence for global mining investment, finance, and business.

Gornaya Promyshlennost

«GORNAYA PROMYSHLENNOST» («MINING INDUSTRY») is an international specialized scientific and technical trade journal dedicated to the progress and latest engineering developments in mining, mining engineering and processing equipment, modern computer systems, scientific studies, R&D, state of the mineral resources market, experience in investments into mining both in the Russia. It has been published bimonthly since 1994, its circulation amounts to 10000 copies. Available on the App Store and Google play.

Mining Magazine of Kazakhstan

The scientific and technological as well as a production journal, full-color illustrated publication. It has been published bi-monthly since 2003, its circulation amounts to 1500 copies, each issue carrying a brief Kazakh, Russian and English summary of the materials published. Provides exhaustive information on matters relating to the development of deposits, new technologies, mining transport and processing equipment, mining geology, ecology etc. Subscription indices – 75807 in the catalogues of the «Kazpost», «Evrika – press», «Eurasia press», «Ural-Press Yekaterinburg» (Russia) agency.

Mine Surveying and Subsurface Use

MINE SURVEYING AND SUBSURFACE USE 9, 17 by lane of Maryina Roscha Moscow, 127521, Russia Phone/Fax: (495) 618-70-01, 618-62-07. Phone: (495) 998-49-96, 776-82-40, 776-74-72. E-mail: geomarnedra@mail.ru Http://www.geomar.ru MINE SURVEYING AND SUBSURFACE USE is a journal for specialists of surveying, geological, and ecological services, for leaders and executives of federal and regional bodies, scientists, teachers of higher educational institutions, for research institutes and designing organizations. The magazine is issued 6 times a year in black-and-white with colour inserts and cover. The format is A4, each issue contains above 70 pages.


MetalsMining is a weekly newsletter providing comprehensive and thorough approach to the metallurgy news in Russia and other countries of the СIS. Each publication highlights the most significant events in different sectors of the metallurgy industry, including precious metals & gems, base metals, and coal. The separate part of the publication covers the events of the state regulatory agencies and legislation developments. The newsletter also provides a view on metallurgy companies' M&A deals, financial results, and activities on the capital markets. The analytical part of the weekly edition contains a deep insight into the most up-to-date topics thrilling the markets.

Prospect & protection of mineral resources

The "Investigation and Protection of a Subsoil" magazine — is the multidimensional scien-tific and technical magazine. On its pages materials in the field of geologic-geophysical re-searches, technologies of search and investigation of minerals are published. The wide range of lifted problems and high level of published materials do the magazine to interesting geol-ogists, geophysics, hydrogeologists, geochemists, drillers, etc. Constant publications of heads of branch allow to be aware of the main objectives facing specialists of branch. Among au-thors of the magazine names of outstanding scientists, large organizers of prospecting pro-duction, geologists, economists, etc. The magazine according to the solution of the Highest Certifying Commission (HCC) is included in the List of hosts of scientific magazines of the Russian Federation.

Руды и металлы

Научно-технический журнал «Руды и металлы» 25 лет распространяет информацию о фундаментальных разработках в области изучения рудных месторождений, о минерально-сырьевых ресурсах, методиках и прогрессивных технологиях геологоразведочных работ, конъюнктуре отечественного и мирового рынков рудного минерального сырья, научно-технических достижениях геологической отрасли. Наши авторы – сотрудники научно-исследовательских институтов, вузов, горнорудных компаний, экспедиций, акционерных обществ, научно-производственных объединений. Мы работаем с геологами всей России, специалистами Украины, Узбекистана, Казахстана, Киргизии, Азербайджана, Израиля. Учредитель журнала – Центральный научно-исследовательский геологоразведочный институт цветных и благородных металлов. Решением ВАК Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации журнал входит в «Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных изданий». Включён в международную базу цитирования GeoRef.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta

«Rossiyskaya Gazeta» is a modern multimedia group that provides readers daily with up- to-date, reliable and relevant information about Russian regional and federal affairs and worldwide events. The newspaper and its electronic platforms publish news, features, exclusive interviews and comments from public officials and the most powerful representatives of business, politics and culture. Today "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" is the leader in terms of audience size in the segment of daily sociopolitical and business newspapers. It is also among the leaders of the media citation rating.  Media holding of «Rossiyskaya gazeta» include: «Rossiyskaya gazeta» - Daily social and political newspaper «Rossiyskaya gazeta - Nedelya» - Weekly issue «Rodina» - Monthly historical magazine RG.RU - Web portal

Mineral mining & conservation (MM&C)

A scientific, technical and methodological journal it addressing a wide range of aspects of underground resource management, including such issues as legal and regulatory frameworks and methodological support, economic strategy and innovation-driven development of the Russian mining industries. The Journal provides detailed coverage of efficient and comprehensive development of mineral deposits, high-level processing and conversion of minerals, development and application of novel geotechnologies and equipment, and industrial safety; discusses the environmental aspects of underground resource management; presents the analytics on mineral reserves and resources, mineral markets, and keeps the readership informed on the important industry events.

Rare Earth’ magazine

The Rare Earth’ magazine is a major strategic project aimed at strengthening Russia’s position in the international media space in regards to industry and the REM (rare earth and rare metals) sector. ‘The Rare Earth’ is focused on developments in high-tech industries which are of critical importance to the following spheres: - aviation - space - mechanical engineering - shipbuilding - the nuclear industry - electronics and other areas The project describes the current state of the rare-earth industry and presents analyses, forecasts and statistics, plus publishes interviews with experts and key figures in the industry.

PRIME Business News Agency

Prime is the leading business news agency in Russia and a subsidiary of Rossiya Segodnya media company. It ranks 1st among the most-cited financial news agencies in the country. An outstanding team of journalists and analysts works day and night so that subscribers will be the first to know the key Russian and global economic news and events. PRIME provides data to the Russia's Presidential Executive Office, Russian Government, Bank of Russia and other public agencies as well as to major Russian banks and companies. PRIME subscribers include news aggregators and leading business media.

Russian mining and construction digest

"Russian mining and construction digest" - (mining, construction, industry). Internet edition highlights significant events in these sectors. Media partner and participant of Important events at the federal and industrial levels. Serves as an important communicative bridge of Russian wide, CIS and international markets.


Published by Russia’s Ministry of Energy, Ugol’ (Russian Coal Journal) is a monthly journal, that deals with scientific, technical, industrial and economic topics. Journal established in 1925. Ugol’ is the leading journal of Russia’s Coal Mining Industry. The main subscribers are Russia’s coal mining enterprises (coal companies, underground and surface mines, machine manufacturers, research establishments and others). Apart from Russia the journal is also distributed to foreign subscribers in 15 countries and the CIS. Ugol’ (Russian Coal Journal) publishes industrial and social issues of coal mining companies. Furthermore, it provides economic information, statistical data, outlooks, regional reports, news about progress in mining technologies and equipment, underground and surface mining, coal processing and utilization, articles on environmental issues, miners’ safety and health. Also included are experiences in other countries, short news items, mining exhibition and congress reports, official documents, notes on history of mining. Volume – 80-88 pages and cover, size A4, art paper. Circulation – 6300 copies.

Russian Federation
Leninsky Prospekt, 2A, office 819
119049, Moscow
Phone: +7 (499) 237-22-23
Fax: +7 (499) 237-22-23
E-mail: ugol1925@mail.ru
Internet: www.ugolinfo.ru  

The magazine “Globus: Geology and business”

“Globus: geology and business” is an specialized journal on mining and mineral processing in Russia and Kazakhstan, is a platform for exchange of experience in the mining industry. CIRCULATION: 9,000 copies. PERIODICITY: 1 issue in 2.5 months, 5 issues per year We are where our readers are! We invite everyone to receive each new issue on your mobile phone. Log Installing the application, you will be able to alert on exit and read room on the day of release circulation. Our FREE mobile app! NO ADS! Takes up minimal memory on the mobile device. The Apple store https://appsto.re/ru/fCppfb.i Google play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.globus.magazine Editorial address: Russia, street of Metallurgists, d. 2F, of.1-08 phone: +7(391) 2518012 E-mail: globus-j@mail.ru www.vnedra.ru https://www.instagram.com/globuspr/