[tab:Master Classes, 10 October]
Master classes (Print version)
Master Classes (PDF version)
- GeoSLAM: next generation 3D survey solution for next generation market demands
- Application of SLAM technologies at the Russian mining enterprises
- Experience of the application of RIEGL laser scanning technology at the Russian mining enterprises

Channel manager

Chief of 3D laser scanning department

Chief engenier

The Head of the laboratory of stability open pit side and rock shifts
- Monitoring systems for conveyor belts
- Monitoring and audit solutions for conveying equipment
- New ways of data collecting and handling
- Vision of digitalization for continuously material transport

ContiTech Transportbandsysteme
Head of Sales Europe
When reviewing mining projects, SRK has concluded that improving the accuracy of geological modelling and increasing the amount of detail included in the model together with optimising grade control and planning processes can help improve the mine efficiencies. In contrast to when SRK first gave a masterclass on geological modelling ten years ago, most mining companies now have skilled geological modellers in their head office geological departments, though we note that the weak link for many companies is with the implementation of modern practices, including in deposit modelling, on the mine site due to a combination of frequent turnover of staff and work overload. The objective of this workshop is to provide a high-level overview of the potential where more detailed and effective geological models can help improve operating efficiencies, highlight areas where we see misconceptions and contrasts between traditional and modern approaches. This workshop is targeted at corporate managers and their technical staff to help them understand what is possible, identify common barriers and develop a vision for their operations.

SRK Consulting (Russia)
Principal Resource Geologist

SRK Consulting (Russia)
Geotechnical engineer (structural geologist)

SRK Consulting (Russia)
Principal geologist

SRK Consulting (Russia)
Principal geologist
Theme: «Controlling the Life-of-Mine Planning Cycle»
- The Role of Big Data in Mining Operational Excellence.
- Annual Planning Cycles.
- Reconciliation as it is and its Role in the Planning Process.

AMC Consultants
Technical Director, Russia

AMC Consultants
General Manager

AMC Consultants
Senior Mining Engineer

Regional consulting manager

AMC Consultants
Principal Geotechnical Engineer
[tab:FORUM, 11 October]
Forum, Day 1 (Print version)
Forum (PDF version)
Keynote: Senior representative of the Russian Ministry for Natural Resources and Ecology
Keynotes by the heads of Foreign delegations to the Forum

Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation
Deputy Minister - Head of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use

Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Vice Minister for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Metals markets trends – impact on Russian mining.
- Investor perception of Russian mining sector – what have changed?
- Key changes in Russia’s mining regulation.
- 2017 – a year of ecological reforms in mining and extractive industries in Russia.
- New economic sanctions against Russia – who they target and what is the potential impact on funding and developing mining & metals projects in Russia.

Diana Asonova
Thomson Reuters/ RMET
Metals and mining correspondent

Partner, Head of the mining industry group

All-Russian Research Institute of Mineral Resources (VIMS)
General Director

Macro-Advisory Limited
Senior Partner

Responsible Mining Foundation
- Overview of major mining investment opportunities in Russia.
- New projects – creating additional revenue streams and attracting investors.
- Which new Russian mines are likely to have major impact on global metals prices after their launch?
- Managing and developing mining projects – what are the key challenges?
- Unlocking mining economic potential with the use of Innovative technologies and know-how.
- Financing large-scale mining operations and construction.
- Developing and implementing responsible mining practices – main challenges and rewards.

Boris Yatsenko
Partner, Head of the Metals & Mining Group in Russia and CIS

Polymetal International Plc
Group CEO

Highland Gold
Chief Executive Officer

Pavlik Gold
General Director

Kinross Gold Corporation
Acting General Manager, Kupol
- Building mining and processing сapacity – projects, challenges, solutions
- Prospects for building new coal energy generation capacity.
- Prospects for the development of gold and copper deposits
- Alternative instruments for financing mining projects
- Investing in infrastructure to overcome capacity issues
- Territories of Advanced Development – impact on attracting FDI in mining projects and local economies

Alexander Lopatnikov
American Appraisal (AAR)
Managing Director

Far East Investment and Export Agency
Investment Director

Senior tax manager , Business tax services

Baikal Mining Company
Head of Design Department

Highland Gold Mining
Managing Director for the Chukotka Region

Russian Coal
Adviser to Director General
- Responsible mining – developing equilibrium between state, social and business interests.
- Overview of the key changes in the Federal subsoil use regulation and its impact on mining.
- The rule of law: overview of the legal process and procedure improvements in Russia.
- Social Licence to Operate: global trends vs local practices.
- Environmental damages: legal base and practices for awarding punitive charges in Russia.
- Implementation of “first come – first served” practices in the Russian mining sector.
- Geological planning: legal provisions, expertise, reconciliation.
- Accessing state-owned geological information – current provisions and planed changes.
- A new system of classification of resources and reserves of minerals in Russia – introduction of the “one window” concept in subsoil use practice.

Evgeny Tulubensky
Corporate and Regulatory Affairs, Nordgold
Chief Legal Officer

Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra)
Head of Licence agreements monitoring department

Deputy Director of Legal Affairs and Subsoil Licensing

Russian State Commission on Mineral Resources (GKZ)
Chief Geologist

Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences
Head of department

Norton Rose Fulbright (Central Europe) LLP
Senior Associate, PhD in Law

KPMG in Russia and the CIS
Partner, Corporate Tax
- Developing new projects: practical cases.
- Upcoming exploration and mining projects in Russia.
- Outsourcing geological exploration services to reduce risks and costs – trends and examples.
- Prospects for the development of mid-size and small mines.
- Mining infrastructure and logistics projects.
- Optimisation solutions for mid-size and small mines.
- Development of mineral processing and enrichment capacities at smaller mine sites.

Mikhail Leskov
Russian Society of Experts for Sub-soil Use/OERN
Head of Section for Evaluation and Valuation for Mineral Properties

Director of the Center for Economic Forecasting

Russian Society of Experts for Sub-soil Use/OERN
Head of Section for Evaluation and Valuation for Mineral Properties


Mining Advisory Council
Executive Director

Amur Minerals Corp
President of Russian Operations

Kopy Goldfields
- Strategic planning from individual mines to large integrated complexes.
- Controlling the Life-of-Mine Planning Cycle.
- Open Pit Slope Design and mine planning strategies.
- Geometallurgy and mining schedule optimisation – is it compatible with “rational subsoil use”?
- Modelling and direct integration of orebody uncertainty to mine design, production planning, and valuation of mining projects and operations.
- Accessing mining sequence results from the mining face to the boardroom – 3D visual auditing.
- Automation and AI applications for real-time management: from mine design to operations

Ivan Zavedeev
Expert in industrial projects implementation - mineral resources sector

Wardell Armstrong International
Technical Director

Polymetal Engineering (Polymetal Int)
Head of Mining and Technological Department

CSA Global
Principal Consultant

AV Group
Managing Director

SRK Consulting (Russia)
Principal Resource Geologist

Dassault Systemes
Head of Implementation Department
[tab:FORUM, 12 October]
Forum, Day 2 (Print version)
Forum (PDF version)
- Overview of Russian mining projects in neighbour countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan, Mongolia and Belarus
- Business cases and prospects for Russian companies in Asia, Africa and South America
- Opportunities for foreign investment in mining projects managed by Russian companies
- Managing overseas and cross-border projects – lessons learnt.

Alexander Boytsov
Uranium One Group
Adviser to Vice President

Polymetal International Plc
Head of Investment Projects Directorate

Russian Platinum
Project Managing Director

Mongolian Mining United Investment Company
Director General

Sustainable Development Manager

Mineral Exploration Network

Aurora Group

Leeco Steel / Brazilian Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Commercial Director / President
Competiton jury
Evgeny Anatolyevich Pushnoy – Competiton Chairman – Director of Production Directorate, Polymetal International Plc
Andrey Anatolyevich Somov – Head of the underground mining department, Mining and Technological department, Polymetal Engineering
Viktor Viktorovich Khomutov – Technical Director, Magadan Branch, Polymetal International Plc

Oleg Valeyev
Polymetal International Plc
Head of Strategic Planning Department

Mineral Exploration Network (Finland)
Operations director

Anakon Group
Adviser on geology

General director

VIST Group
Head of the business development

Mine Tech Services (UK)

Carl Zeiss Microscopy
Application specialist
- Opportunities for funding new and exploration mining projects.
- Mining investment and technology accelerator platforms.
- Raising capital for junior mining projects – what is on offer?
- The role of Feasibility Studies in the present context of mining funding

Dr. Mike Armitage
SRK Consulting (UK)
Corporate Consultant (Resource Geology)

Partner, Head of the Metals & Mining Group in Russia and CIS

Eurasian Development Bank
Head of Natural Resources

IMC Montan

AMC Consultants

London Stock Exchange Group
Head of Russia, CIS & Mongolia, Primary Markets

Association NP RTS
Director of Corporate Development and New Projects Department
- Outlook on the development of “green mining” regulation, practices and technologies in Russia
- Can green mining be profitable in Russia?
- Recovering materials from waste dumps and degasification.
- Mine closure and land reclamation: global practices and local implementation.
- Rehabilitation of land after coal, copper, uranium and gold mining.
- Incentives for mining waste reduction.
- Waste and underground water management.
- Preventing environmental disasters: from mine planning to monitoring.
- Environmental protection and conservation of biodiversity

Julia Boiko
Eurasian Business Union
Deputy Manager of the Committee on the Development of Mineral Projects of Eurasian and BRICs Countries

Wardell Armstrong International
Project Engineer

IMC Montan
Technical Director

Head of Environmental Department

Kinross Gold Corporation
Environmental Manager

Southern Kuzbass
Head of Environmental Department
- Prospects for wider geophysical studies.
- Mobile analytical geochemical laboratories – savings time and money of geological exploration.
- Use of unmanned aerial vehicles in magnetic survey.
- Present and future of satellite imaging in geological exploration.
- Precision drilling – new technologies.
- Increasing orebody value – bridging the gap between geology and metallurgy.

Liubov Egorova
SRK Consulting (Russia)
Principal geologist

Chief Geophysist

GeoJet Exploration
Senior geologist

Aarhus Geophysics
Senior geophysicist

Phoenix Geophysics

General director

Vernadsky State Geological Museum of Russian Science Academy
- Designing mines taking into account the permafrost factor.
- Optimal organisation of mining transport operations.
- Increasing reliability of mining equipment in extreme climate conditions.
- Methods for increasing the efficiency of drilling and blasting operations.
- Analytics in the field – an operational alternative to traditional laboratories.
- Reducing water risk factor in open pit and underground mining.
- Protecting mine workforce – best communication technologies and practices.

Alexander Taskaev
Wardell Armstrong International (Russia)
Technical Director

Lead Engineer


Commercial Director

Orica CIS
Business coach
- Innovate or perish – why miners must implement digital and automation technologies to succeed?
- Automations and robotisation of mining processes – technical, financial and social aspects.
- Improving mining project economics – AI and other emerging technologies.
- Enhancing mine safety – digital automation and communication solutions.
- Use of GPS positioning, drones, software and other technologies to increase blasting efficiency.
- Integrated smart applications for mine modelling and planning.

Alexey Tsoy
CSA Global
Principal Consultant

AGR Software
General Director

VIST Group
Head of the business development

DMT Group
Sales Manager, Mining Consulting and Engineering

Scania, Mining division
Director Distributor Development and Support

Systems for microscopy and analysis


Sales engineer
- Refractory ore and high-resistance minerals processing in Russia – outlook on economic potential and technological challenges.
- Effective solutions for processing gold and other PGM refectory ores.
- Innovative solutions for enrichment of gold and polymetallic ores.
- Complex processing of tantalum-niobium ores.
- New lithium ore processing technologies.
- Methods of extracting precious metals from coals and products of their combustion.
- Technological solutions for processing refractory tin ores and waste recycling.
- Economical solutions for filtration, thickening, pumping and dewatering.

Grigoriy Mashkovtsev
All-Russian Research Institute of Mineral Resources (VIMS)
General Director

Deputy Director

Deputy General Director for Science

Key accounts relationship manager, Metals & Mining

All-Russian Research Institute of Mineral Resources (VIMS)
Head of Technological Department

Head of sales department

Reshetilov & Co
Development Director
- The Russian Mining Excellence Awards
- Amateur photo competition “Miners and Mines of Russia”
- MineTech – mining challenges and solutions competition
[tab:Associated event – 12 October]
The Forum has been held in Russia since 2005 and is considered as one of the most important and authoritative events on Mining and Exploration in the region and the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. The MINEX Russia Forum regularly brings together over 500 heads of industrial companies from Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, countries of the European Economic Community, China, Mongolia, North America, Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America and Australia.
The MICROMINE team has developed the User Conference, held on the 12 October, has become a valued platform for experienced staff and industry professionals to fostering interactive discussions, improve existing mining workflows and exploring best practices through technology in the region.
Conference speakers are all users of MICROMINE solutions and will be providing detailed presentations based on real projects that reflect the daily tasks, work and experience that they have faced in the mining industry. The Micromine User Conference is not an advertising platform for the companies presenting but provides a place for companies to present real life proven cases and engage in lively discussions with experts, government representatives and colleagues.